Monday, September 13, 2010

Beautiful Mount Timpanogos

Back in April I went on a sunday drive to find things to photograph. My initial hope was to find someone fly fishing in the river and get some epic looking photograph. As in most cases it didn't happen and I ended up driving much longer than I had planned. As I was driving back to Provo through Heber I pulled onto a side road and was amazed at the beauty of the back side of timp. Pulled the camera out of the car and shot over 30 different photos before I was satisfied with what I had done. Of the 30 or so photos, my favorite is below. This photo is for sale in 5x15 panoramic prints. Contact me for pricing. 

Mount Timpanogos (Heber Valley)


  1. Hi,

    I am a professor at BYU and we would love to use your above image in a play we are mounting later this month. Can you please contact me about pricing and permissions for such use? Thank you!

    Lindsay Livingston

  2. Hello,

    I was wondering what the price would be for the above image. If you could please email me, I'd greatly appreciate it!


    Christi A
